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Showing posts from April 21, 2019

a saviour

what is it that heals what is it tha tseals all your troubles away> what is it that sways a persons heart when they are hurt. what is it that saves a damaged person who is beyond repair yes it has a care among it's layers but what if it never existed.? what if the cupid never visied our world and shot his arrow? then this world would be a narrow place to live in no ones eyes would ever gleam amd nshine in hope and everyone would mope around and cry every night. yes I'm talking about love symbolized by two beautiful dove yes the thing that saves the world in its own way... #motax -yakaa: jujaan

shadow love

never seen bu always been there always existing i have this thing called over fondness i'vealways followed you like a shadows hiss noticing your every move a love that is very true but you will never realize it no! not even one bit cause i keep it hidden a love that is almost forbidden and yet you feel it's warmth just a bit, cause i've never swarmed you with it a love that's like a medi kit to you, always there when you're hurt tracing your growth in a dirt always there to be there for you even if it means self destructing this thing is very strong stronger than any bond known to humans showing it's strength in every chance but you'll never know it's true nature cause this thing is a very mysterious creature with you like a shadow non-expressive expressions just cause it's afraid though and just like a shadow it'll remain a mystery #ted -yakaa: jujaan