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Showing posts from October 18, 2020

The slow decent

 Nope this is not a philosophical one or maybe it is, but I think I am done with trying to explain everything, it's not fun but wait I don't do it for fun and you know it son and oh! my hair is falling I wish I had a man-bun I love butts so you see that was a pun hun what confused? Why does it makes no sense after the first few hums? well this is just a what the title says, read moron this is what insanity feels like, it's fine one day and the next day it is less fine, not gone from sanity, like you are there yesterday and all of a sudden BOOM! you are insane, you see there is no fun in that, there is no fun in shooting yourself with a gun but there is fun in going for a run  and being eaten by bears like nom nom shit too dark I guess but you get the point hun so remove that shit in your mind and see ya cunt see how it feels like to go insane through my poems the process slow decent into insanity and supersanity is still not done well not technically mine but I am ranting s...