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Showing posts from March 31, 2019

lone valkyire

I'm not normal is it okay? I'm not formal is it okay? i just can't fit in i just take a token of love from the hate i just take a token of reorganization from all the ignorance maybe i wa born this way or maybe i wasn't i hate everybody, it's a bad day or maybe it wasn't i try to fit in again but i just can't i just try to feel the love but i just can't or maybe i can but i just don't respond should i cease to exist? like i was never born should i forget to try to fit in? like i was never born I'm happy in my own world however small it may be I'm happy to feel the love however small it may be but just stop forcing me into your way in this small world I'm safe like a cat in a box in this small space i lay like a cat in a box I am an outsider, let me be just the way i am i consider your thoughts but let me be just the way i am i may not fit in but  at least I'm home here i am a creator of my own w...


how long has it been? years and years since your face was last seen at the beggiing i was just keen on knowing you and wanted badly to du a hug, a talk so i stalked you but eventually we got close and got used to the tantrums you throw damn i got addicted to the smell that i still know all too well we created memories and stories that will remain untold but now our chapter has closed never again will i see your smile never again will hear your lies but your sound still echos your face still glows fresh in my memories the only place i will ever see you... #anne_grace #pinch_of_hope (well the poem is self explanatory. two of my biggest crushes whom i havent seen for like years but thei smell, sound and face still lingers in my ears.) -yakaa: jujaan


हावाले उढाएको मैनबततिझै   एक परिवार मध्यरातमा रोए  मध्यरातमा जुनकिरि बिलिन भएझै   एक बिढ्वा मिरमिरेमा रोएझै  चिच्याहतको आवाज सुन्छु म  सोच्दा सोच्दै आतँकित हुन्छु म  उदायो एउटा सदस्य आकासमा  रह्यो एउटा रहस्य "काश काश"मा  काश नगएको भए हुन्थ्यो काश नभएको भए हुन्थ्यो  यो बर्षा र आंढिबेरी   नउजादिएको भए हुन्थ्यो मात्रिभुमि तर  दैवले गर्दानै रुदैछिन उनि  आफ्ना बितेका सपूतका लाश चुमि -yakaa: jujaan


नहुनु थियो जे त्यहि भैदियो तेल नसकिदा नसकिदै निभ्यो दियो  यो गर्मिमा पनि चिसो  महसुस हुदै छ, सायद भग्वानको रिस् हो  तर पापि छोदि मासुमलाइ उदायो  किन यिनिलाइ पार्यो गारो  कतिको उढारो  तिर्न बाकि होला  कति परिवार रोलान तर हामि छौ लाचार गुलाम  यो भाग्यको खेलमा -yakaa: jujaan


okay! i don't show them, but can i remain the same? time and again i hide them, till i no longer remain sane every liquid has a boiling point every body has a weak joint and once in a while, they wreak havoc like a mad cock tearing the fence and running amok like a wild duck trying to fly randomly that's a pain only few can see but that pain exists that pain is a beast till one succumbs to it physically a pain even he, the almighty being can't let loose without being seen as a beast and that beast is the emotional pain the pain only few can contain without being insane... -yakaa: jujaan