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it's raining there
and i was having a fear
of people seeing us 
so we ran to the dust
covered ally, well usually
but that day it was mud, beautifully
curled curls on her head
that sweet smell of her hair
the cold got to her
and she shivered
so i gave her my jacket
and so went to an ally where we sat
for longer than we had planned
for her eyes had banned 
my legs from moving
my heart began to sing
those songs of cupid
but i knew that it was stupid
of me to think that
so i spat 
to return to reality
warp back to present
she's my best friend's girl, a heaven sent 
boon for him
and although it seems
like a dysfunctional shit
i really hope that it works out for them
but somehow my heart still skips a beat
seeing her happy with that jackass
it almost seems like a movie cast
gone wrong
the one whom I'd loved in the past  
and the one whom i love are miles apart
from being similar but past is past
still it's a place
where i fond some peace
she'll always have a place
in my heart
a cameo of the past
#esperanza (a rarely used reference but she has a special place in my heart. don't give me that sinister grin guys i still love my idiot more than anyone else in the world)
#khyampwa (a jackass. nothing more to say)
-yakaa: jujaa:
P.S.: i know that this may be my longest one till date so have patience. hehe 


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