always in the back of my mind
you're always staring behind
me unable to see my hind
emotions which unwinds
as soon as i see you
but i see you
in RGB not in grayscale
clad in a chain-mail
Armour carrying the almighty excallibur blade
to revive the emotions that laid
dead in my heart
yea i know you're hurt
so please let me try to hold you up
please just stop
with all those waste thoughts
the thoughts that once caught
me offgaurd and made me drown
i can't see you frown
please just stop
having your expectations high
or you'll never fly
or rise
to the sky
i want to see you at the top of the mountain
even if it stains
our relationship
i am after all a blip
of light, forgotten quikly
but to me you'll always remain
a gold piece
and i will always restrain
myself from feeling too much when you're around
#promise(some of the lines are for her. it's your job to figure out which ones. some of the lines overlap my feelings towards her and another # so figure it out)
#batman (the newest # on the list. it's been about 3 weeks since i met this wonderful girl and well she is bat-shit-crazy. we are on besties term in such a short time but well life has taught me not to rush so m taking it slow with this aho. most of the poem's for her though. enjoy)
-yakaa: jujaa
you're always staring behind
me unable to see my hind
emotions which unwinds
as soon as i see you
but i see you
in RGB not in grayscale
clad in a chain-mail
Armour carrying the almighty excallibur blade
to revive the emotions that laid
dead in my heart
yea i know you're hurt
so please let me try to hold you up
please just stop
with all those waste thoughts
the thoughts that once caught
me offgaurd and made me drown
i can't see you frown
please just stop
having your expectations high
or you'll never fly
or rise
to the sky
i want to see you at the top of the mountain
even if it stains
our relationship
i am after all a blip
of light, forgotten quikly
but to me you'll always remain
a gold piece
and i will always restrain
myself from feeling too much when you're around
#promise(some of the lines are for her. it's your job to figure out which ones. some of the lines overlap my feelings towards her and another # so figure it out)
#batman (the newest # on the list. it's been about 3 weeks since i met this wonderful girl and well she is bat-shit-crazy. we are on besties term in such a short time but well life has taught me not to rush so m taking it slow with this aho. most of the poem's for her though. enjoy)
-yakaa: jujaa