But what about us? She said
As i lay dazed
Out in the sun
I was just about done
And i knew that she was nothing more than a hallucination
Her spiritual maze was on
And i was trapped in it
Finding my moment of peace
But then tears flowed
Time slowed
As i realized she was no more
I do have a score
To settle with her though
And it follows me no matter where i go
The debt that she placed on me
The debt that made me who i want to be
I remember her a lot
She was a major plot
In the movie of my life
The one with many mental fights
And as i fall from this graces height
And land on this place of blight
Her thought keeps the words going on
But although i’ve all but lost my home
There are some
Part of me
That finds some peace
In her memories
#simu(something i’ve told way many times before. I miss her n i feel saddned by her but just thinking about her makes me wanna grow. C saw the part of me thay sletches... never got to show her what i write and although she is long gone, she will.be a part of me till i die)
#promise(her smile still sends the shivers down my spine. M over her but some part of me still thinks of her as a time well spent. NO REGRETS)
-yakaa: jujaan
As i lay dazed
Out in the sun
I was just about done
And i knew that she was nothing more than a hallucination
Her spiritual maze was on
And i was trapped in it
Finding my moment of peace
But then tears flowed
Time slowed
As i realized she was no more
I do have a score
To settle with her though
And it follows me no matter where i go
The debt that she placed on me
The debt that made me who i want to be
I remember her a lot
She was a major plot
In the movie of my life
The one with many mental fights
And as i fall from this graces height
And land on this place of blight
Her thought keeps the words going on
But although i’ve all but lost my home
There are some
Part of me
That finds some peace
In her memories
#simu(something i’ve told way many times before. I miss her n i feel saddned by her but just thinking about her makes me wanna grow. C saw the part of me thay sletches... never got to show her what i write and although she is long gone, she will.be a part of me till i die)
#promise(her smile still sends the shivers down my spine. M over her but some part of me still thinks of her as a time well spent. NO REGRETS)
-yakaa: jujaan