I've told you that I'm toxic
I've told you that I'm sick
I'll destroy you beyond repair
while all you can do is stare
blankly at the wall
having no will to start
over again
cause things will never be the same
oh! don't get me wrong
i will make you strong
but once I'm done
I'll be gone
from your life
i will make you strive
for the better
i will lure
you from the shadows to the light
i will brighten your life
but them I'll be gone
and you will loose a part of your home
so don't love me so much
dn't be so quick to judge
my intentions are selfless
don't be so quick to caress
my face and cling to me
i am too selfish for my own being
i am guiding you towards light
with all my might
just cause seeing people in darkness
makes me wanna cut my own flesh
so I'm doing this for me
a selfish intention only i can see,,,
-yakaa: jujaan
I've told you that I'm sick
I'll destroy you beyond repair
while all you can do is stare
blankly at the wall
having no will to start
over again
cause things will never be the same
oh! don't get me wrong
i will make you strong
but once I'm done
I'll be gone
from your life
i will make you strive
for the better
i will lure
you from the shadows to the light
i will brighten your life
but them I'll be gone
and you will loose a part of your home
so don't love me so much
dn't be so quick to judge
my intentions are selfless
don't be so quick to caress
my face and cling to me
i am too selfish for my own being
i am guiding you towards light
with all my might
just cause seeing people in darkness
makes me wanna cut my own flesh
so I'm doing this for me
a selfish intention only i can see,,,
-yakaa: jujaan