A lot has been said
a lot had to be said
that's what we do, we the word warriors
that's what we do, we the hurt worriers
that's at times all we have
that's at times all we can slap
others with, our mode of expression
that's the skill we have chosen to hone
after years and years of jolting down useless lines
after days and months of thinking through times
through times of worries and through times of stress
word has been our last line of defense
the things written but unspoken
the lines written from the heart that is broken
yes, that is the only thing we have at most times
the only place where we can safely whine
but there comes a time when all of it stops,
There comes a time when the pen drops
and that is what we consider our death
when all that needs to be said has been said
or when the last hope of hope has been laid to rest
that's when we have lost interest
not in our craft but in our lives
that is when a writer truly dies
and writers block is not the death
well at least not the death yet
but when constant writers block is all that lies
that's when a writer truly dies
that's when a writer truly dies
-Yakaa: Jujaan