i know a dark night is today
oh! look how quietly you lay
on a wooden chair
tied by Led
about to be dead
by being fed
to flies after I chop off your head
oh! look how beautifully you scream
never would you have dreamed
that you'll be in a flim
wached on the screens
of those psychos like me
those who want to see
a dying body
those who likes the screams
but back to me
wanna know how I came to be???
well it's easy
was damn well bullied
when I was a kid
was forced to eat
the road side dogs shit
and drink my own puke
and forced to duke
it out with the wall
best by a guy so fat
but used to it: alcoholic dad
a mom so sad
and almost near mad
yet I survived
bit I dived
too deep without emotions
cuz of those shitty runs
from the cops
cause I stole some cough drops
it became a high of sorts
hiding, killing, trying to force
the cops to find me
my own version of hide n seek
what??? tired already???
just hold steady
while I slit your throat
and cover your face with a plastic coat
while i peel your skin off
that muscle oh so soft
blood for plants; they'll grow fast
and a skin turned to a mask
bones for knives
but you won't be alive
cause what'll remain will be fed to the flies
as just like you 12 more have died
you are the 13th
oh! and here is a hint
it's Friday so you are lucky
a ghoul,.a demon you will be
after you end here
see I do care
about you for you will be
Alice for eternity
an immortal
all caused by my this kind call
-yakaa: jujaan
(no i ain't a serial killer n I haven't done these shits. just a thought)