It starts with pain
the sense of being unfulfilled
the sense of being unskilled
and the black/blue stain
that covers your skin
a broken heart
covered with scars
but why did that happen have you ever thought about it?
have you ever thought why do you still try to fit
into this world that abandoned you ages ago?
why do you show
no signs of self?
why did you sow
the seed in a well
so deep you can't even see
the bottom and there inlays your own personality
where is your own wish I ask you,
I ask you what you want to do?
There are dreams that are suppressed
so hard that you can't even guess
what they are now
do you?
are these words sharp to you?
it is to me, despite writing them myself,
so focused on others I forgot how I felt,
isn't that true for most of you?
do you even remember your true
self and what you want to be?
scared of offending those who are never meant to be
taking hits and sass for being yourself
for once you can let your facade melt
and try to see what is beneath
the skin that you wear, is it darkness or just a child unseen?
why do you always make amends
for those who done own the decent sense
of gratitude towards you and just step on you?
why do you feel the hurt that you do
while doing the things to them?
are you sane or have you lost your sense?
but then again, it all starts with pain
a small scar inside the heart that tears you apart
a small scar that you will carry till you depart
but take your time to do be you and do what your soul calls
and sometimes it's okay to be selfish and say "fuck the world"
-Yakaa: Jujaan