How long did has it been?
How long did I stay in
my room refusing to be seen?
Well it feels like it has been too long
since I was last heard, since I was where I belong
Where am I? Where did I came from?
Well doesn't matter Now I am strong
enough to control whatever storm
comes my way. That kid has grown
grown enough to understand that he can't be harmed
A silent voice that had been farmed
came to see the magic charm.
The quiet grey sky fills his view
but his thoughts are nowhere to be seen, nothing to spew
a kid locked in his room, finally threw
his old skin is now born a new
but why is he so calm, what has he brewed
in his head while no one heard him, his thoughts were screwed
but now he smiles, what did he knew?
no one knows so that's why I say
listen to him, listen to that kid who is quite all night and day
Ask him, listen what reason has he slayed
to smile like he is now, when the world is not okay
why does he look so in control in the light of the grey?
This smile is scary, blood on his ash-trey
but he is smiling, did he betray
his own thoughts? what thoughts lay
in his mind, his messed up head?
"for the first time in a long time, I feel in control" he says
"After a long time I am out in the hue of grey
this is where I had stayed
for the longest time, where I had laid
the bed rock of my core, this is my core but hey
it's not over yet, the darkness still conveys
but it is fine, i like it now, cause never does it stray
outside where it should not, it is my pet
although it is late, I will never forget
that I am a man in grey, a man born from mistakes
so in the silent chaos, does my comfort stays"
- Yakaa: Jujaan