What is this shit again?
what is this shit about my brain?
same fucked up shit and the same fucked train
of thoughts come across as they try to mame
my head and my mind at the same time, and I thought I had changed
but Fuck shit is still the same
have I changed? Yes I have but the my past self is just chained
not fully gone, that old piece of shit full of shame
is not dead yet but just restrained
the world I love is grey but shit just turns red inside my frame
of a world that I see so cold
full of lies full of fake shits told
again and again but listen, is there anyone so bold
enough to put up with me, as I let my emotions roll?
This is just a rant I know
but hey who the fuck foretold
that I won't be ranting in my poems again?
who the fuck told you that that kid in the rain
is gone now and is not the same?
Ya know I have just about been drained?
Ya know, that all that remains of me are the thoughts estranged?
Broken into pieces fooling my head
everyday everyday I try to suppress
everyday that beast shits on me - that baseless rage
who am I angry with? Ask some old sage
Even he won't be able to answer you I bet
wanna bet? Wanna know the answer?
Take a guess, the answer is not him or her
the rage is towards me who says I don't give a fuck
but ya know a secret? I do care, I just hide shit and duck
away from shits that is inside
and when they collide
with the wall too much they ride
their one way out, enraging me, making me wanna fight
and yes, I am a person I despise
I am the one who is supposed to be the light
but fuck it, I am dark-darkness so tight
that even darkness will get scared, and that is my life!!!
- Yakaa: Jujaan